Trail Work/Events Calendar

Friday, August 13, 2010

Another day at the Bloated Tick

Sitting around, chatting with the grand poobah of the BT listening to her counting the minutes till it's "sweet air" time is just another day for us here at the tick. Oh, and for those of you not sure what grand poobah means:
"Poobah is a title of respect and often is linked to might in a role."

After hearing me rave numerous times about my new favorite running trail (pardon the "run" word), grand master poobah decided to take it on. Going along are The Ghost and JFlats.
Several hours go by and I could swear Grand Poobah and JFlats kidnap my guy. It was dark when they returned.
Now it wasn't so much the hour they returned but waiting to hear the reviews of my favorite trail was driving me nuts. Finally, headlights come streaming down Bloated Tick Drive.
There's good news and bad news to report.
Good news - they soldiered through albeit fresh new wounds oozing with blood.
Bad news - I have a new name. "DAMN YOU CABS".

1 comment:

  1. Damn You CABS!!!! I'm still pulling thorns out of my swollen fingers!!!

